Thursday, June 17, 2010

So behind

I have really neglected this blog lately! We have been very busy with end of season/year parties and just life! I promise..updates coming very soon. Lots of pictures to share. Birthdays, awards, sports...

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Happy Easter!

We hope you had a wonderful Easter! We sure did! The boys had a total of 4 egg hunts. The first at church, then our neighborhood egg hunt, then our family hunt at our home, and last at my grandmothers with lots of family.

On Palm Sunday our church had a great egg hunt with bounce houses, hot dogs, and cotton candy. The kids had a great time. A.J. loved hunting for the eggs. On Maundy Thursday we went to church and attended the Seder meal. That was very neat. We had plans to attend the Good Friday service but Mr. A.J. wasn't feeling 100% so we decided to stay home and let him rest.

On Saturday we had a neighborhood egg hunt. The big boys had a blast and we had a great turn out. A.J. wasn't very interested in the hunt.

On Easter morning we had a yummy big breakfast the went to church. After church we came back home and had a nice family egg hunt and then headed to my grandmothers for a family gathering. My cousin, his wife and their daughter came to Texas for a visit! It was great to see them and meet baby Emersyn! The kids enjoyed a big hunt over there as well.

Enjoy a few pictures from our Easter!

Wordless Wednesday~Funny horse!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Dillon just got back from a 4 day camping trip to Arkansas with his boyscout troop. He had a blast! He came back looking great with a little color. He was filthy though! And he was exhausted! I wish I had taken a picture of him leaving. It was really early and I wasn't thinking. He looked very grown up. So handsome. My baby is getting way to big.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Surgery day for A.J.

Back in October we noticed a small lump in A.J.'s throat. It looked just like an adam's apple. We took him to the doctor and she ordered blood test and an MRI. That all was pretty scary but the blood test came back quickly and normal! We had his MRI a few weeks later and he was diagnosed with a thryoglossal duct cyst. We were told he would be just fine but would need surgery to remove it. It was growing so we chose to have it removed sooner rather than later.

A.J. had his surgery on Feb. 15th. We were really dreading this but overall it went well.
A.J. looking for things to get into while waiting on the anesthesiologist.
You can kind of see the thyroglossal duct cyst in this picture.

After "silly juice" and mama not ready to hand him over. The silly juice is a sedative so he doesn't realize he is being taken form mom and dad. It worked really well.
The surgery took about an hour. It was shorter than we expected so that was nice! When he woke up he was hysterical! He was screaming so loud and for a LONG time! His blood pressure was high and it was obvious that he was stressed. He was in pain but we believe the reaction was more from the anesthesia. First they tried to calm him down with Loratab. That failed. Then they ordered him morphine. The first dose did nothing. So they gave another. The poor boy crashed and slept a few hours. I really think he just needed to seep off the anesthesia. I hate that he was given so many drugs.
Once he woke up he was upset again. However this time I was able to calm him. He was given pain medication around the clock for 1.5 weeks. I hate that. But my baby was in pain.
A while after he woke up he was willing to eat a popsicle.
He did lots of sleeping. They originally gave us a rocking chair and a crib. We laughed and asked for a bed. There was no way A.J. was going to lay in a crib. No he wanted mom! And he got mom. I held him all day and all night. It was a little tricky sleeping with a baby all hooked up to wires.
This is the next day before we got to head home. The doctors came and took the drainage tube out of his neck. It was adorable because we thought he was sleeping. And once they were done he immediately handed him his left arm with the IV. He wanted that thing out! He hated the IV! He was so happy to get his IV out! He was ready to play as soon as it was out.
On our way home from Children's.
Once we were home he seemed SO much better. He played. He did rest and he was eating okay and drinking fairly well. Unfortunately he ran a fever from the day of surgery until 11 days later. He was doing pretty well until about 6 days after. Then he went back to not feeling well and being very fussy. He wouldn't eat or drink. He lost 2 pounds! I think allot of it was the fever. Once that broke on day 12 he acted so mach happier!
He has had a check up since and everything is looking wonderful! The doctor is very positive that he was able to remove the entire cyst and that it won't grow back. It does happen but I am hoping that this was a one time surgery!
Thanks to everyone who prayed for my little man! We really appreciate it!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy 11th Birthday Dillon!

11 years ago on February 7, 1999 with tears of joy my husband and I welcomed our first child into this world. Dillon took his time coming into this world. He was born at 42 weeks 8 lbs 6 oz and 20 1/4 inches long. He came out shouting at everyone in the room. He was pink, plump, and just perfect. I was in awe.

Stephen and I were very young when Dillon was born. We really have grown up with him. It hasn't always been easy but we wouldn't change it for anything. We love him so much and we are so proud of him! He is one of the sweetest kid you will meet. He is always thoughtful of others. He is incredibly smart. He is very respectful. He loves his brothers SO much!

For Dillon's 11th birthday he had two small parties. The first with his grandparents, Aunt Gina, his brother and us. We watched his basketball game and then came home for cake and ice cream. This was the day before his birthday.

Aunt Gina bought trick candels!

We had no idea what to get him ( Or Brenden in April) for his birthady. The kids do not lack toys! They are pretty spoiled. So the whole family pitched in and bought them a combo gift. A big basketball goal. They loved it! ( Well they will..we are waiting for the HOA to approve it !)

On Dillon's actual birthday we woke up and went to church. After church we took him out for Itallian food ( his favorite). Then we came back to the house, played games and opened a couple more small gifts.

The next weekend was his party with his friends at school. We let him invite three friends to spend the night and go to see " The Lightning Thief". All of the kids were great at the movies. And it was a great movie too. After the movie we came back home for pizza and cake. : )

I think he had a pretty good birthday. It is crazy to think that I have an 11 year old! It seems like just yesterday that he was sitting on the floor sucking his thumb and driving his cars.

Friday, February 5, 2010


We started A.J.'s prescribed pre-surgery antibiotics today. That means that his surgery for the removal of his thyroglossal duct cyst is only 10 days away. Big Boo! I hate giving him antibiotics too. But we must make sure he is infection free. I am praying that he remains healthy over the next 10 days. While I am dreading this surgery I know it is necessary and I don't want it delayed. : ( I just hate that he is so young for surgery. But I also know that he will bounce back quickly because he is young. And it has to be done. Ugh.

Friday, January 22, 2010

18 months!

A.J. turned 18 months on Christmas Eve! Today we went to the doctor for his 18 month well check. He is healthy as can be! He weight was 22 lbs. It was 23 but little guy hasn't wanted to eat much! And his height is 33 inches long! He is charting at 5-10% for weight and 50-75% for height. Tall and skinny. : )

At 18 months A.J. says 20 plus words on a daily basis. He has 5 signs he uses now as well. Most of the time he will say the word with the sign. He will mimic everything you say! He understands so much!

He insist on eating in a big chair with a fork and spoon and cup most of the time. He LOVES his dogs! He helps feed them. He enjoys playing ball and driving cars and trains around his train table. His favorite book was They Belly Button book for a long time but just this week his new favorite is Moo Baa La La La! He loves books so much and would be happy if you read to him the entire day. His favorite song is Old McDonald had a Farm. He knows many animal songs and sings e-i-e-i-o!

He is super clingy with his mama! He will ask me to hold him and call himself a baby! The baby thing started when he didn't like me holding my great nieces. He makes the biggest messes I have ever seen at lunch and dinner. But he will help you clean up! ( He will mean well even if he is just making it worse).

We love this boy so much!

Fall Basketball

Dillon and Brenden are playing upward basketball at our church. The played their first games last weekend. Both of the played great! Both got blue stars for best effort!

The Big 30

Last week Stephen turned the big 3-0! We had cake with the boys and then we went out with friends to a Mavericks game while the grandparents watched the boys. We had a great time!

30 candles on the cake!
smoke : )

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas pictures!

Pictures with Santa! A.J. was not happy with Santa holding him so Dillon took him and he was just fine as you can see!

Stephen and the boys. A.J. woke up pretty unhappy from a nap and was pretty upset I stuck a camera in his face.

Boys laying out milk and cookies for Santa! They put reindeer food outside too!

Cookie thief!!!

Our white Christmas! We had plans to meet my family after our candelight service at church. We were stuck in traffic for so long that we finally turned around and just had dinner at one of the only resturants open.

The boys always get one gift to open on Christmas Eve. It is always a book and pj's! This year everyone got Texas pj's. They were happy!

Santa came!

I think the kids were pretty happy and had a wonderful Christmas!