Friday, January 22, 2010

18 months!

A.J. turned 18 months on Christmas Eve! Today we went to the doctor for his 18 month well check. He is healthy as can be! He weight was 22 lbs. It was 23 but little guy hasn't wanted to eat much! And his height is 33 inches long! He is charting at 5-10% for weight and 50-75% for height. Tall and skinny. : )

At 18 months A.J. says 20 plus words on a daily basis. He has 5 signs he uses now as well. Most of the time he will say the word with the sign. He will mimic everything you say! He understands so much!

He insist on eating in a big chair with a fork and spoon and cup most of the time. He LOVES his dogs! He helps feed them. He enjoys playing ball and driving cars and trains around his train table. His favorite book was They Belly Button book for a long time but just this week his new favorite is Moo Baa La La La! He loves books so much and would be happy if you read to him the entire day. His favorite song is Old McDonald had a Farm. He knows many animal songs and sings e-i-e-i-o!

He is super clingy with his mama! He will ask me to hold him and call himself a baby! The baby thing started when he didn't like me holding my great nieces. He makes the biggest messes I have ever seen at lunch and dinner. But he will help you clean up! ( He will mean well even if he is just making it worse).

We love this boy so much!

Fall Basketball

Dillon and Brenden are playing upward basketball at our church. The played their first games last weekend. Both of the played great! Both got blue stars for best effort!

The Big 30

Last week Stephen turned the big 3-0! We had cake with the boys and then we went out with friends to a Mavericks game while the grandparents watched the boys. We had a great time!

30 candles on the cake!
smoke : )

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Christmas pictures!

Pictures with Santa! A.J. was not happy with Santa holding him so Dillon took him and he was just fine as you can see!

Stephen and the boys. A.J. woke up pretty unhappy from a nap and was pretty upset I stuck a camera in his face.

Boys laying out milk and cookies for Santa! They put reindeer food outside too!

Cookie thief!!!

Our white Christmas! We had plans to meet my family after our candelight service at church. We were stuck in traffic for so long that we finally turned around and just had dinner at one of the only resturants open.

The boys always get one gift to open on Christmas Eve. It is always a book and pj's! This year everyone got Texas pj's. They were happy!

Santa came!

I think the kids were pretty happy and had a wonderful Christmas!